God's Unending Now
"To say as many do that god made the world
is to confuse what is true, for God never ceased
making what was made, and what will be is already present in God's unending Now.
This truth reminds me that God is making all things new, even when what is past and gone
and also what lies yet unknown in the future - in your life and mine." (p.40)
You Taste Us
"It sounds as strange as it is true
to say, as I have never said before,
that You taste Yourself and in this
taste every creature that You ever
made which crawls or swims or flies,
on earth, in the seas, and upon the
blue-flung skies. And when You
taste Yourself in all these, and even
in me, You taste us all as You ever
are in the oneness of Yourself." (p.27)