Myths -
potent portals
into our shadowed-psyche.
with rapt attention
we spiral down
into our unknown terrain
catching glimpses of
haphazard, tangled
of anxiety and alienation.
... and further still ...
these sacred stories
our deep collective wound
so we see -
we are no longer mistaken,
it is a wound we all share
- our internal quiet desperation
- our eternal phantasm
the driver of industry
... the wound of which we are only barely aware.
Does it speak to you like this?
What right do you have to be here?
What value are you?
Are you DOING enough?
How have YOU earned it?
Are you useful?
Are you deserving?
You are being judged and found wanting.
You don't come up to standard.
You are deeply flawed and not normal.
Your are not worth our attention, time or company!
You are not valued.
When Gautama held his palm to the ground
the Earth responded
to his claim ...
not only as his witness
but also
as witness
to all beings born of her.
in her shuddering roar
the great Earth,
mother of us all,
ALL beings Belong.
the intuitive pull
deeper and deeper
the confusion collapsed
effortless relinquishing
there is no value to gain
there is no right to be given by another
there is nothing to earn
already given Here.
Her - giving everything in the birth of Us,
having been coaxed out and into form
in this complex multidimensional ecology of fulsome-LIFE,
we wholeheartedly belong to Her.
We are her children.
All related
forward and backward
up and down.
this Knowing ...
... our natural belonging ...
is the unshakeable ground
the 'immovable spot'
and the natural habitat from which to collect
the salve
for our collective wound.
Please click on this link for Part 2.
The description of 'natural habitat' in the spiritual sense of Home comes from two wonderfully gifted mentors: hermit - mystic - contemplatives Drew Lawson and Wendy Hoffman.