Love in the zendositting in the zendoone breathing stone among manytender wafts arrive and caress ...wholly perceptiblethis LOVE, like a fog,moves through the hallwrapping around usthe softest touch, so tender and gentleholding us in our sinceritytears push through closed eyes and wet my collar"can't you feel it? It's HERE. All around us. We are bathing in it!"I wish to jump up, share and delight... that surely others must feel it and knowright here amongst usbut I sit ...and tears of gratitude fall downwe are all held in loveOur earnestness the catalystto manifest this 'hidden' LOVEthe gift we now collectively sharein our last sitting in the zendo.
sitting in the zendoone breathing stone among manytender wafts arrive and caress ...wholly perceptiblethis LOVE, like a fog,moves through the hallwrapping around usthe softest touch, so tender and gentleholding us in our sinceritytears push through closed eyes and wet my collar"can't you feel it? It's HERE. All around us. We are bathing in it!"I wish to jump up, share and delight... that surely others must feel it and knowright here amongst usbut I sit ...and tears of gratitude fall downwe are all held in loveOur earnestness the catalystto manifest this 'hidden' LOVEthe gift we now collectively sharein our last sitting in the zendo.