Smile of a dragonfly did you know that dragonflies smile?I met one todaywe sat for a whilehis large eyes met minethen ... he nodded, lifted his head ...and I saw it!I laughed and smiled right backand said with all my heart, "It's so good to meet you today."we sat for a whilehappy to sit on the stalk content to kneel by the pathwith kind eyes I adored him ... the breeze whispered, "I love you" and carried him away.
did you know that dragonflies smile?I met one todaywe sat for a whilehis large eyes met minethen ... he nodded, lifted his head ...and I saw it!I laughed and smiled right backand said with all my heart, "It's so good to meet you today."we sat for a whilehappy to sit on the stalk content to kneel by the pathwith kind eyes I adored him ... the breeze whispered, "I love you" and carried him away.