suddenly HERE
it is HERE
the Still Point
it expands
all movement within is free ...
all is well
in enveloping, beholding Stillness -
even as those moments before
I was in the tragi-comedy
death by anxiety -
family christmas
nope, no more!
Spacious Silent Stillness
embracing all activity
Living in Stillness
all is well
gentle happiness
no anxiety - no self-other referencing
Leaving all alone to be what it is ...
It is possible
It is possible ...
Sitting with peace
and a smile -
soft and free
living in Stillness.
Photo: Taking in the view. Queenscliff, Victoria.
A practice? Many people report changes in perception when they look up and over into the distance. This is reported frequently in people's mystical or spiritually transformative experiences ... walking across a park, looking up from a train station and many other stories. In this instance I was in a restaurant, I looked up, over the heads of the other patrons towards the end of the room, and in an instant the shift occurred. The first and earliest shift I remember was at the age of 5, sitting on the concrete at school assembly, I looked up to the speaker and then over the roof of the building and was overtaken by incredible stillness and peace, and luxuriated, slient and happy in that comfort for however long it lasted.